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  FINAL Lance, Tracy %22But I Didn’t Die Though%22 WORD (1).docx
Kara / Deborah
Jun 20, 2022 14:47

Well Hiiiiiii! Here we are!!!!! I am so proud of you!

Here are some questions for you:

1. Have you re-read it out loud?
2. Has Marcy or your sister read it? What is their feedback?
3. When is the last time you went all the way through it?
4. Have you thought of places where you could expand a little more or are you happy with the content? What about in Chapters 4? 5? 6? 11? 16? The last chapter? What information/feelings have you shied away from so that the bandaid ripoff isn’t so harsh that you could share to make us feel you/understand you more?

Also, I need chapter quotes at the top of 4, 10 and 17 – these chapter call outs are super effective in showing the direction of the text. Let’s do it for all of them!

WE. ARE. ALMOST. THERE! I love you and cannot wait til we are DONE done… Please review questions at top so we can “feel you” just a little more as readers and wrap you for editing!!!!

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FINAL Lance, Tracy %22But I Didn’t Die Though%22 WORD (1).docx

Jun 17, 2022 09:48

FINALLY!!!!! Kara I owe you dinner!!! No, seriously!!

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