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  Romanticizing the Sin Nature.docx
Kara / Deborah
Jun 5, 2022 09:08

Great work, Jésus! You added very clearly to some key places. Nice. Truly!

I have a few questions – and they may feel harsh, but I promise they are not 🙂

1. Do you feel you have fully mastered your sin nature? All of the “big” sins (of course we know sin is sin, but from a legalistic perspective); the smaller sins, the sins of commission as well as sins of omission?
2. Is mastery of sin nature the equivalent of spiritual perfection?
3. Is it written anywhere that we will achieve spiritual perfection on this side of Heaven?
4. While mastering my sin nature is my goal (pressing towards the mark that Paul speaks of), even Paul spoke of the press…I’m not sure that the mastery of which you speak is fully attainable, and I don’t want you to set your reader up (or yourself) for condemnation (failure) if they make smaller (but still sin nature) missteps. Even in our press and our intentional living, there is still grace and mercy; it is NOT to be taken for granted, but it IS still available for all.

If you want to process any of this out loud, let me know. You are SO close, Friend!

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Romanticizing the Sin Nature.docx

May 30, 2022 16:07

Hello Kara, I added to some chapters and also put in a conclusion

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