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  Romanticizing the Sin Nature.docx
Kara / Deborah
May 17, 2022 19:32

Hi! Great work, Jesus! I missed you on our call tonight, but I’m sending you what I would have toId you here.

I really think that you can – and want you to – add a bit more to each section. I’d like to see your work be more than 10-11,000 words before editing. It is likely that she will cut and make adjustments. Some suggestions as the work is coming to a close:

1. In the chapter about responsibility, I’d like to see more about “resistance” as a part of our personal responsibility. “resist the devil and he will flee” isn’t just a good idea; I think it’s a mandate. This is an important direction!
2. You have to be more intentional about terms like “right standing” and “fruit.” If I am a new believer, I may not understand those terms. They will either need definitions or deeper examples in order to paint a clear picture. That is true, I think for most ecumenical terms.
3. I love the Matrix, by the way 🙂 That movie will SURELY preach!
4. In Chapter 4, I am wondering if there are any ideas you can share with your readers about how to TRULY know/embrace who they are in God? Knowing the scriptures are good, Understanding the bondage is good. But what are steps a reader can take? What is the work?

I think these additions plus your wrap up with 5 will round the work out nicely. Also, I am wondering if you are going to have a concluding chapter? Writing to serve as the through-line from intro to end? The conclusion of the matter, so to speak! Let me know how I can help. This close to the end, you can also text me; I don’t get alerts when things are in this portal, so it is up to my personally assigned check-in time. My number is 708-860-1156.

Let me know what you need!

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Romanticizing the Sin Nature.docx

May 14, 2022 13:06

Working on the last chapter now

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