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Kara / Deborah
Feb 21, 2022 12:46

Hey there, Jesus! Thank you so very much for your work thus far. You have really taken great care to establish the purpose for your message – great work. I have a few comments and thoughts to share to make your work even more relatable. Below I have indicated passages as well as suggestions for further development in service of your goal. I also put some notes in the document itself –

In your intro, you begin with “Do you ever feel that way about your spiritual life? I have, and it was an uncomfortable realization.” I would like to see a little more here in order to draw your reader into the connection you are making between the ritualistically-driven ways in which we live vs. the spiritual, relationship-based ways in which we could live when we deny the sin man.

This point is SOOOO key to your book – the pleasures of sin; I hope you dig more deeply into it either here in the intro or further into your text – “Their sin has become master over them, and their thoughts and actions are now being controlled. What’s worse is many times the way we are living is exactly where we want to be if we are being honest.”

I am wondering in this passage and in subsequent ones, you talk about “people who struggle” but the ask the question, “did I or did I not know…” Do you have any intention of sharing your personal sin struggles? Do you intend to share HOW one begins to take these passages seriously? “Someone who struggles with pornography, fornication or adultery is led about by their lusts. They may even believe that it’s what they really want and that they are calling the shots, but their sin nature is in control. We have to ask a question then, did I or did I not know or understand this scripture? If you did not know then I suggest you take this passage of scripture very seriously now that you do know.”

Looking forward to connecting with you in class!

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Romanticizing the Sin Nature.docx

Feb 19, 2022 11:28

Here is chapter 1

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