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  !!!!AMS Complete.docx
Kara / Deborah
Apr 23, 2022 14:29

Hi there! I know we talked about reading again around April 30. Checking in to see if you 1. decided to do it earlier and 2. to see if you need anything.

Let me know! Hope all is well!

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  !!!!AMS Complete.docx
Kara / Deborah
Apr 18, 2022 21:35

AALIAH! YAAAAAAY! Great work…really strong stuff. Make sure that you circle back to read it around April 30 with fresh eyes so that you can discern what you do and don’t need. You are fearfully and wonderfully made, Friend. Be well! Talk soon!

!!!!AMS Complete.docx

Apr 18, 2022 14:14

Rewrite of my ending.

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