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  The Book -In Progress.docx
Kara / Deborah
Mar 26, 2022 09:03

You are doing amazing work! And your vivid descriptions are powerful. A few questions and thoughts:
1. Sequentially, does the fire come before or after the kindergarten experience in your intro chapter? I feel like i get kind of lost on the time line of events.
2. I love the way that you include real-time definitions of the social phenomenon that exist so that any reader can grasp what is happening. It isn’t distracting; it’s helpful.
3. Your stories are RIVETING.. I am so deeply proud of you and the overcomer that you are – PLEASE DO NOT GET OVERLY WEARY. You MUST complete this project.
4. I am wondering how soon you will start to weave in the road you would need to take towards self-forgiveness snd wellness…previews. here and there so that the reader is sure that they are going somewhere besides memory lane, if that makes sense.

How are you doing? Are you on target to finish? This is so good! I am proud of you, Bestie.

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The Book -In Progress.docx

Mar 21, 2022 15:39

Hi Kara, I have converted this to a Word document. If you have any issues, let me know.
Thank you for your patience with me.

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